Hi Friends! I feel like I’ve been in a little blogging rut since I haven’t been feeling 100% – leaving my fitness routine a bit sluggish and non-existent at times. I’ve decided to give myself a little pep talk and do something about it!
So here is my plan:
1. Dropping down to the 10k for this weekend’s ZOOMA Annapolis race.
The first I needed to do was be honest with myself. Ever since running the Nike Women’s Half Marathon, my training has not been where it should be to run the half marathon this weekend. I’m okay with this decision (especially with the super hot weather forecast that’s to be expected!) I will now be running the 10k and taking it easy.
2. Registering for a group exercise class: deep water running.
Xander and I just finished up Aqua Mommies and it helped remind me how much I love group settings for exercise classes. The Aqua Mommies class was a workout for the mommies and exposure to the water for the babies. I knew that even if I was having an off fitness week, that I would look forward to our Friday class together. This lead me to look up classes for the summer – but just for me! I’ve decided to take deep water running and it starts next week! Wish me luck!
3. Registering for Best Body Bootcamp!
I’ve done two rounds of BBB previously, but skipped the most current session since my half marathon training was wrapping up. I ended up really missing weight training – which BBB provided for me – since I tend to neglect the weights (BADDD – I know!) I decided the summer session of BBB would be great for me and it starts on June 17th! You can still register for Best Body Bootcamp too!
When’s the last time you had to reevaluate your fitness routine and then do something about?